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What is Corner65?

Corner65 is a newcomer, youth-led program geared to spark creativity, community engagement, and overall health & wellness.

Corner65 started in 2017 with 30 students seeking after school extracurriculars. We started by listening to the requests of students who wanted to explore more of their hobbies, talents, and athletics that weren’t available to them due to various barriers. The original 30 students led us to rapid growth of over 170 newcomer youth from ages 8-17.

Are you in our Corner?

Donations to Corner65 fund extracurricular programming for Cleveland's newcomer students. 100% of donations given through the button below are used to support Corner65's work.

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Youth Leadership & Workshops

Corner65 is initiated by its youth. With our Youth Advisory Council the students have the mic. This program allows youth leaders to advocate for their peers in what kind of programming will occur with guidance from our program director and managers. These youth council leaders set the pace of what we will be learning each year based on their peers' votes and interests. Corner65 then connects with local organizations, businesses, and schools to partner to expose students to their options long term.


Athletics & Wellness

Corner65 runs multiple sports programs for the students, including soccer, basketball, running, and skiing. Soccer is our main hub. We currently have three soccer teams, and are growing.  Girls in the Game provides us with turnkey body positive programming for girls to participate in the sports they vote on. Corner65 also looks to get outdoors as much as possible in the summertime for bike rides, hikes, and team sports.



Corner65 kids LOVE exploring all forms of arts. This upcoming year Corner65 will explore improv club, culinary arts, and storytelling through canvas painting. Many students love putting their work on display and we look forward to sharing their art with the community.

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with Corner65 by emailing your contact info and your area of interest for volunteering by sending us your information through the button below! We are continuing to grow and need support surrounding our soccer program and more. We are always looking for individuals to share their talents and friendship with our program. 

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