Thank you for your support
The Refugee Response has undergone significant growth to expand and deepen our services. In 2023 we grew our team to 36, we are building a mini-pitch sports field at our office and a new farm market at Ohio City Farm, we have added new programs, and we have a new organizational identity that we are thrilled to share with you. Quite a year!
With these changes comes a steadfast and continued commitment to serving our newest neighbors. Our new name, Re:Source Cleveland, is an important change for us; we have grown to serve newcomers beyond the refugee population. Our work now includes those who have entered the country on humanitarian parole and those who have applied for or have asylum status. The heart of our work remains to serve refugees, but we are now doing more for more newcomers.
Cleveland and our shared community have long embraced newcomers and immigrants and, at this moment of turmoil, there is also great hope and a groundswell of energy in our community. This year’s Annual Appeal highlights one such exciting development: the new 4,000 sq ft farm market at Ohio City Farm. You can help us close the gap to finish this $500,000 project to create new jobs and community garden plots for newcomers, a market hall and value-added product sales opportunities, programming space, to provide our farm team indoor facilities, and a heated produce wash and prep station, and a fully furnished commercial kitchen for use by a variety of community members, aspiring entrepreneurs and chefs.
With your continued support, we can take the next step as Re:Source Cleveland and help more newcomers than ever to not only arrive but thrive and make Cleveland a vibrant, dynamic, and more sustainable community.