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Volunteer With Re:Source Cleveland

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Adult Tutoring

Help newly arrived Afghan women learn English while building relationships with new Afghan neighbors! Re:Source Cleveland's Adult Tutoring Program and we’re looking for volunteers to join us! At the moment, we are only recruiting female volunteers in order to respect cultural norms. 

Youth Mentoring

As a volunteer with the Youth Mentoring Program, you have so much to offer our region’s newcomer youth. But we fundamentally believe that this experience has just as much, if not more, to offer you.

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Corner65 is a newcomer youth-led program geared to spark creativity, community engagement, and overall health & wellness. Corner65 volunteers assist our after-school and extracurricular programming. 


Ohio City Farm

The Ohio City Farm on West 25th is looking for consistent availability on Fridays and/or Saturdays to help with packing our CSA and running the farm stand, but welcome all to apply.

Other Ways To Connect


Request A Speaker

Submit a request for a staff member from Re:Source Cleveland to come to your class, organization or community group to speak about newcomer support work and how you can help the newcomers in your community.

Tour The Farm

Learn about the history of the land, our sustainable growing practices, and how the farm fits into of the larger mission of Re:Source Cleveland while taking in our breathtaking view of downtown Cleveland.


Other Ways to Help

 Sign up for our newsletter to learn about additional one-off volunteer opportunities, calls for item donations, and more. 

Support Our Work


Your contribution, no matter the size, allows us to continue providing valuable resources to the resettled community. 

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